Yulia Ivanova
"Growing from Shape"
22 March – 21 April, 2024
22 March – 21 April, 2024
Self-Portrait. 1988
Self-Portrait. 1988
The painter Yulia Ivanova (1944–2019) is a well-known master without whom the Leningrad underground art of the 1980s cannot be imagined. A student of Solomon Rossin, the legendary nonconformist of the 1970s–1980s, the artist did not follow the path of expressionism chosen by her teacher. Strictness of composition, balanced rhythm and asceticism of colour scheme in Ivanova's still lifes are in tune with the traditions of Cézanne and Malevich, while minimalism of her numerous self-portraits reminds of laconism of images-presentations in Old Russian painting. In addition to still lifes and self-portraits, the exhibition will also feature landscapes from the 1990s inspired by St Petersburg, which invariably have a mystical component that transforms the familiar vistas of our city. Monumentalism is an enduring feature of the artist's work; however, she has only begun to create large-scale works since the 1990s. Exhibition will include around 30 Ivanova’s paintings from different periods of her oeuvre – from the Museum of 20-21 Century Art of St Petersburg and private collections, presenting a fairly complete panorama of her work.