Robert Lotosh
"Stories of Daily Life"
21 September – 22 October, 2023
21 September – 22 October, 2023
Conversation. 2007
Conversation. 2007
The images of Lotosh’s History of Everyday Life include characters from Greek mythology, Biblical stories and our contemporaries. Behind each of them one can discern some ordinary story, bringing art closer to the spectator. The perspective the artist chooses places heroes of Classical Antiquity on the same level with one’s neighbor. The tired Hercules beside a man knotting a tie, a woman rouging her lips and Aphrodite, all of them live in the world, both complex and at the same time simple, of human destinies. For each incarnation, the artist combines different materials, stone, wood, bronze, etc. repeatedly exploring the same motif. Even the portraits, which are not numerous in Lotosh’s work, he usually executes in different materials, plaster, ceramics, bronze. This allows him to solve not only semantic but also purely plastic tasks. The exhibition is organized for the seventieth anniversary of the master and will fully reveal the features of the sculptor's creative method, its versatility and integrity.