Visit us
Opening hours








Adult – 300 RUB

*Concessions – 100 RUB

* for details go to TICKETS
103 Griboyedov Canal
St Petersburg
Getting to the museum
By metro 
- Sennaya Ploschad, Sadovaya and Spasskaya metro stations, approximately 15 minutes on foot from there

From Nevskiy Prospekt and Admiralteyskaya metro stations 
- buses 3, 22, 27 to Mariinsky Theatre stop

From Vasileostrovskaya metro station 
- buses 6, 100 to Mariinsky Theatre stop

Any bus to Teatralnaya Square, then walk down Dekabristov Street towards Lviny Lane, turn right into Lviny Lane and then right onto Griboyedov Canal.

Tickets can be purchased at the museum booking office or on the website

Please note that concessions and free admission tickets can also be booked on the website

Admission prices to all exhibitions at the Museum of 20–21 Century Art of St Petersburg (MASP)

Full price during 300 roubles
• Citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus
• foreign citizens, including CIS countries

Concessions, upon presentation of an appropriate document: 100 roubles

• Pensioners of the Russian Federation

• Students of secondary schools and specialized secondary educational institutions (over 16 years of age)

• Full-time higher education students from the Russian Federation and the CIS countries (including foreign students studying in the Russian Federation)

Concessions for the workers of cultural institutions, upon presentation of an appropriate document: 50 roubles

• The RF Ministry of Culture museums’ employees

• Members of the RF creative unions  

• Members of the Russian Academy of Arts

• Members of ICOM

Free admission, upon presentation of an appropriate document:
• Persons awarded the Resident of the Besieged Leningrad badge, the For the Defence of Leningrad medal, the Resident of Besieged Sevastopol badge, the Resident of Besieged Stalingrad badge

• Great Patriotic War and other military actions veterans and disabled persons

• Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory

• Heroes of Socialist Labour, Heroes of Labour of the Russian Federation and full Cavaliers of the Order of Labour Glory, labour veterans

• Participants of Special Military Operation, as well as members of their families, including spouses, parents (adoptive parents), minor children, adult children up to 23 years of age inclusive, studying on a full-time basis in educational institutions of all types

• Former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced confinement established by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War

• Children under 16, regardless of citizenship
• Members of large families
• Persons exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl Accident and testing at the Semipalatinsk Test Site and other categories of citizens equated to them
• Disabled persons, with one attendant for groups I and II
• Disabled children with one attendant
• Orphaned children and children left without parental care or staying with foster families

• Cadets of Suvorov Military School, Nakhimov Naval School, military and music schools, other cadets, students of the higher military colleges  

• Personnel performing military service under conscription in the Russian Federation

• Chaperones (no more than two persons) of children’s organised groups of over ten.

MASP is a member of the Pushkin Card programme (follow link for details) and the Edinaia Karta Peterburzhtsa project (you can pay for the museum ticket with your points, follow link for details).

Пушкинская карта.jpg


If you have any questions please contact us at or on +7 (812) 314-98-94

To contact museum keepers please call on +7 (812) 312 25 54

Marina Dzhigarkhanian,
Марина Борисовна Джигарханян.jpg

Associate Director:
Ekaterina Marshall,

Associate Director:
Marina Stekolnikova
Марина Стекольникова.jpg

Head of Department, Project Coordinator:
Darya Nikitina,
Дарья Николаевна Никитина.jpeg

Deputy Head of Department:
Olga Tolstaya,
Ольга Николаевна Толстая.jpg

Acting Chief Keeper of the Museum Collection:

Anastasia Motorina,
Анастасия Алексеевна Моторина.jpg

Museum Collection Keepers:

Oksana Nemchaninova,
Оксана Викторовна Немчанинова.jpg

Sofia Borodina,
София Станиславовна Бородина.jpg

Giulnara Liukmanova,
Гюльнара Хаедаровна Люкманова.jpg

Elena Esono,
Елена Александровна Эсоно.jpg

Anna Gardymova,
Анна Кирилловна Гардымова.jpg
Tatiana Smirnova,
Татьяна Алексеевна Смирнова.jpg

Exhibition Curators:

Rufina Amirkhanova,


Aksinia Bataeva,

Аксинья Батаева_кор.jpeg

Elena Kutsenko,

Елена Сергеевна Куценко.jpg

Education Centre:

Sofia Kucheryavenko,  
Софья Кучерявенко.jpg

Viktorina Smurova, 


Elena Iliina,


Maintenance Engineers:

Alexei Meshkov,
Алексей Мешков.jpg

Vladimir Pleshakov,
Владимир Плешаков.jpg

Yulia Popova,
Museum admission rules


Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday, Thursday-Sunday: 12pm–8pm

Wednesday: 2pm–9pm

Museum of 20 th–21st Century Art of St Petersburg (MASP), a branch of the Manege Central Exhibition Hall, is a cultural institution of national importance. There are special MASP admission rules, compulsory for all visitors on the territory and in the building of the museum.

1. In order to protect the artifacts and for your safety, we ask you not to touch or lean on museum objects, exhibition equipment and not to go behind railings, if any.

2. Large items, large backpacks, outerwear should be left in the storage room and cloakroom on the ground floor.

3. It is possible to move around the exhibitions in a wheelchair and with a pram on the ground floor of the museum (gallery 1).

Unfortunately, our museum is not equipped with an elevator.


It is forbidden to bring to the museum:

- weapons, stabbing and cutting objects, explosive, flammable and combustible objects, poisonous and corrosive substances; aerosol and gas cans, and objects that contaminate the exhibition rooms and other people;

- works of art and visual materials;

- food and drink;

- animals and birds of all sizes;

- scooters, bicycles, roller skates and similar sports equipment.

Sports equipment and prams can be left in a special area in the museum courtyard under the supervision of security guards.

In case of situations that could affect the safety of museum visitors, please inform the staff.

Visitors who cause harm or material damage can be held administratively or criminally liable.

Thank you for understanding!


Photography without flash, tripods or monopods for selfies is permitted in the museum galleries (except for exhibitions that include works from other collections), without the right to publish and reproduce the material for commercial purposes.

Professional photo and video shooting, tripod shooting and sketching on the museum territory, as well as video and audio recording of museum guided tours is possible only with a written permission of the management.

The right to use for commercial purposes materials, acquired in the process of photo shooting, filming or video shooting of any MASP objects is granted only on the basis of a contract with the museum.


Please put your mobile phone in silent mode and use headphones or an audio headset if necessary in order to observe silence, out of respect for other visitors and museum employees.


It is forbidden in the MASP:

- to carry out commercial activity and give guided tours (except for the authorised employees of the museum);

- to put up posters, distribute any printed or other products, as well as advertising and information materials without the approval of the museum management;

- to listen to audio equipment via  loudspeakers, to use amplification equipment, and to play musical instruments.

Regulations on the procedure for access to museum objects and collections

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the procedure and conditions for citizens' access to museum items and museum collections permanently stored in the "Museum of St. Petersburg Art of the 20th - 21st Centuries" (hereinafter referred to as MISP), a structural subdivision of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Cultural Institution "Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" (hereinafter referred to as SP6 GBUK "CEH "Manege").

1.2. Museum items and museum collections included in the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and located in MISP are open to public access.

1.3. This Regulation has been developed on the basis of:

- Uniform rules for organizing the acquisition, accounting, storage and use of museum items and museum collections, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture dated 23.07.2020 No. 827;

- Federal Law dated 26.05.1996 No. 54-FZ "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and Museums in the Russian Federation";

- Regulation on the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2019 No. 17;

- Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2017 No. 2012 "On approval of the Regulation on State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation".

These Regulations are approved by the Director of SP6 GBU "CEH "Manege" and are brought to the attention of citizens by posting information on information boards in the visitor reception area and on the information and communication network Internet on the official website of the Museum at and on the official website of SP6 GBU "CEH "Manege" at

1.4. MISP stores and exhibits museum items and museum collections at the following address: St. Petersburg, Griboyedov Canal Embankment, Building 103.

2. Procedure and conditions for public access to expositions and exhibitions, to museum items and museum collections located in the Museum's storage facilities

2.1. Access to museum items and museum collections located in the MISP's exposition and exhibition premises is organized during MISP's working hours, taking into account restrictions aimed at ensuring the safety and security of museum items and museum collections.

2.2. Organization of visitors' access to the exhibition and display premises of MISP, placement of museum items and museum collections is carried out in compliance with the established requirements for lighting and humidity of the premises, taking into account the thematic content of the exhibition, the number of visitors who can be in the premises at the same time.

2.3. Information about the operating hours of MISP, the price of entrance tickets, excursion and other programs, as well as contact phone numbers are posted on information boards in the visitor reception area and in the information and communication network "Internet" on the official website of MISP and on the official website of SP6 State Budgetary Cultural Institution "Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"

2.4. Access of persons conducting scientific research, the development of which requires the study of museum objects and museum collections, to museum objects and museum collections and information about them in the storage facilities of the MISP is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the Museum Fund in accordance with the rules established by this Regulation and the Operating Mode of the MISP.
Visiting the storage facilities is carried out on weekdays from 11:00 to 17:00 with a break from 13:00 to 14:00 with prior agreement on the date and time of the visit with the custodian of a specific fund.

3. Procedure for considering requests for access to museum items and museum collections located in the IISP storage facilities

3.1. Access of individuals conducting scientific research, the development of which requires the study of museum items and museum collections (hereinafter referred to as researchers), to museum items and museum collections and information about them is carried out on the basis of requests from organizations of any organizational and legal form with which the researchers have labor or civil law relations, as well as requests from higher or secondary educational institutions in relation to students. Independent researchers are admitted to museum items and museum collections on the basis of a personal written request.

3.2. The request specified in paragraph 3.1. of this Regulation, shall be submitted to the Deputy Director for Management of the IISP.

The appeal shall indicate:

1) last name, first name, patronymic (if any), academic degree (if any), academic rank (if any), citizenship (nationality) of the researcher, contact information;

2) topic and deadlines for completing the research work;

3) what museum items and museum collections the person performing the research work is expected to be familiar with;

4) conditions for publishing the results of the research work;

5) the need to reproduce museum items and museum collections based on the results of the research work (on paper, in electronic form);

3.3. The Deputy Director for Management of the MISP within 5 (five) working days makes a decision on the possibility of access of the researcher to museum objects and museum collections and information about them.

3.4. Access to museum items and museum collections shall not be granted in the following cases:

1) unsatisfactory state of preservation of museum items and museum collections;

2) restoration work is being carried out on museum items and museum collections on the date of filing the application;

3) location of museum items and museum collections on their own temporary (permanent) exhibitions or in other organizations;

4) other grounds stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If a decision is made to refuse to satisfy the application, the deputy. Director of SP6 GBU "CVZ "Manezh" for the management of the MISP notifies the applicant of this in writing, indicating the reasons for refusing to satisfy the application.

3.5. The researcher's admission is formalized by written permission of the deputy. Director of SP6 GBU "CEH "Manezh" for the management of the MISP, which specifies:

1) the procedure for organizing the researcher's work with museum items and museum collections;

2) the last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the MISP employee who is responsible for interacting with the researcher;

3) the conditions for mentioning the MISP and the conditions for reproducing museum items and museum collections, information about which was used in the course of research work;

4) the period of research work;

5) the conditions for providing published results of research work with a mention of information about the MISP museum items.

4. Publication of museum items and museum collections located in the IISP storage facilities

4.1. The right of first publication of museum items and museum collections located in the IISP storage facilities belongs to SP6 GBU "CEH "Manezh".

4.2. A request for permission to publish museum items and museum collections belonging to IISP is considered on the basis of a written request from an individual (hereinafter referred to as the user) submitted to the Deputy Director of IISP Management.

The request shall indicate:

- last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the user - when applying by an individual; name of the legal entity — when applying from a legal entity, and feedback information;

- information on the purpose of using reproductions of museum items, the print run of reproductions, the size of reproductions, the territory and period of their distribution.

4.3. The production of visual, printed, souvenir and other replicated products and consumer goods using images of museum items and museum collections, the MISP building and objects located on its territory, as well as the use of its name and symbols, is carried out with the permission of the director of SP6 GBUK "CEH "Manege" on the basis of a written request submitted in the manner specified in paragraph 4.2. of these Regulations.

4.4. The request is considered by the director of SP6 GBUK "CEH "Manege" within 5 (five) working days. If a decision is made to refuse to satisfy the request, the user will be notified of this in writing.

4.5. The transfer of rights is carried out on the basis of an agreement on the provision of rights to use reproductions of museum items and museum collections, concluded in writing.

4.6. When using reproductions of museum items and museum collections, the user is obliged to comply with the copyrights of the museum items and museum collections used, indicating a link to the IISP.

4.7. The transfer of rights to use reproductions of museum items and museum collections for commercial purposes is carried out on a paid basis. The cost of the rights to use reproductions of museum items and museum collections for commercial purposes is established by agreement of the parties and is reflected in the agreement.